2019 FIEE ELéTRICA Fair7月中旬,POE将足迹踏上了南美洲最大的工业城市,巴西圣保罗。此行通过参加巴西电力展览会FIEE,将POE的产品,公司形象和理念介绍,传递给南美人民,期待开辟南美市场,寻找共同发展的合作伙伴。 In mid-July, POE attended the FIEE ELéTRICA in Sao Paulo, the biggest industrial city of South America, which transmit POE's pcb production services , corporate image and idea to the visitors. We look forward to opening up the South American market and find the partners for mutual development.
Exhibition Grand Occasion 4天展会期间访客络绎不绝,纷纷前来交流,讨论项目细节,POE团队通过热情友好专业的接待同访客建立良好的商业桥梁。 Lots of visitors come in a continuous stream to communicate and discuss details of projects. The team build a good business bridge with visitors by warm, friendly and professional reception
老客户拜访 Regular Customer Visit 得知我们会参加此次圣保罗巴西FIEE展,好几个老客户特意前来展位拜访,愉快的会面,未来更多的合作是可期的。时刻能感受到南美人民的热情,我们也回赠具有中国特色的小礼品表达友好。展会进展如火如荼。 Several regular clients came to our booth when they knew our attending of the FIEE and we had a delight meeting . It is positively we have a bright and further business together in future. In this exhibition, we felt the passion of the South American, meanwhile, we give lovely presents in return.
拜访客户:Visiting Clients 第三天展会开始前,安排去拜访了合作4年的老客户,热情的接待,带我们参观了 井然有序的办公室,在他们公司的休闲娱乐室玩了一把友谊的桌式足球,玩游戏有输有赢,但我们之间的合作是可持续发展的双赢。 Before the exhibition of the third day, POE team meet the regular clients with whom we have been cooperated for more than 4 years. We were treated so well and visited the organized office, played the friendly table soccer match. There are win and lose in the game , while our cooperation is win-win of sustainable development.
此次展会获得圆满成功,南美市场的潜力是很大的,有很多新兴的科技公司在如饥似渴的寻找供应商,而我们正好也在。 This exhibition achieved great success and it showed us the huge business potential in South America. Many emerging technology companies are looking for suppliers, while we are there,as always.