WanFeng Precision Electronics Co., Ltd New Year's Conference2020年01月08日
WanFeng Precision Electronics Co., Ltd New Year's Conference 2019-2020 kicks off on January 08, 2020
The theme of the annual conference is "Youth and Fight together"
This year is a year worth remembering
WanFeng is changing every day
Have Joined many new forces
Busy, enriched, accumulated, precipitated
Which interpenetrates the 2019 year of WanFeng Precision Electronics Co., Ltd
As the company continues to grow
The team is gradually growing
We swagger
Win the battle in 2020
【Annual Summary】--Review of 2019 and Outlook of 2020
1. 全新全自动加工厂投入运营,每月出货100-150款,品质合格率97%,交期合格率90%
2. 举办了全球四次展会,4月香港展会,7月巴西国际展,9月越南展会和10月香港电子展
3. POE团队的团队意识,客户服务意识,工作积极性和上进心都有很明显的提高。
4. 各个部门的管理者敢于担当的奉献精神在平时工作中和各种公司活动中体现地越来越明显。给后续即将出现的管理者、组长等树立了最好的榜样。
5. 业务团队的积极进取,积极努力争取每一个订单。老业务一直是站在最前端,给新业务树立了榜样的作用。
6. 采购部各个人员的工作态度和团队的工作氛围都有明显进步
7. 生产部一直都奋战在我们的生产一线,加班加点地按时完成客户的每一个订单,大家都毫无怨言,积极奋战!
---- Review 2019
1. The new full-automatic processing plant is put into operation, and 100-150 models are shipped every month with a 97% quality pass rate and a 90% lead time pass rate
2. Held four global exhibitions, Hong Kong in April, Brazil International in July, Vietnam in September and Hong Kong Electronics in October
3. The team awareness, customer service awareness, work enthusiasm and motivation of the POE team have been significantly improved.
4. The dedication of managers in various departments is more and more obvious in daily work and in various company activities. Set the best example for the upcoming managers, team leaders and so on.
5. The sales team is aggressive and strives to win every order. The experienced salesman has always been at the forefront, setting an example for the other salesman.
6. The working attitude of each person in the purchasing department and the working atmosphere of the team have improved significantly.
7. The production department has been struggling in our production line to complete every order of the customer on time. Everyone has no complaints and is actively fighting!
1. 明年是挑战与机遇共存的一年:2019年全球经济不景气,2020年有可能更差,但是我们要在逆境中求发展,求超越,求突破。
2. 不忘初心,砥砺前行:时刻提醒自己刚工作、刚来公司的时候是什么样子,这样才能学会感恩,才能学会进步,才能收获一个更好的自己。 在全球经济低迷、竞争日益激烈的今天,我们只有付出不亚于任何人的努力,才能取得明显的进步。
3. 心态端正,与同事沟通心态要平和,不要一点小事情就愤怒,就不满,就抱怨,不要和同事比较:希望每个员工的闪光点都能闪现出来,让公司安排每个员工合适的位置,让每一个平凡的我们更优秀!
4. 凡事做到细心再细心。希望每个同事都注意自己的态度,一个人做事态度比一个人的能力更重要。不管是谁,无论是管理者还是新员工老员工,不要因为你的态度,让公司做出公司不想做出的决定。
5. 明年各部门工作努力方向及工作计划
6. 2020新增福利: 培训系统化&利润分配最大化
——Looking forward to 2020
1. Next year is a year in which challenges and opportunities coexist: the global economic downturn in 2019, may be worse in 2020, but we must seek development in adversity, transcendence, and breakthrough.
2. Don't forget your initial resolution and move forward: always remind yourself what you were like when you first worked and came to the company, so that you can learn to be grateful, learn to progress, and you can become a better man. In today's depressed global economy and increasingly fierce competition, we can only make significant progress by making no less than anyone's efforts.
3. Have a good attitude to communicate with colleagues. Be calm. Do n’t be angry or complain for the little thing. Do n’t compare with colleagues. Hope that the highlights of each person will show out so that our company could arrange each employee appropriately. Let every ordinary us become better!
4. Be careful on everything, show the attitude. The attitude of one person to do things is more important than his ability. No matter who it is, whether it is a manager or a new or old employee, don't let the company make decisions that the company doesn't want to make because of your attitude.
5. The work direction and work plan of each department next year
6. 2020 New Benefits: Systematic training&Maximize profit distribution etc.
"Only by summing up past experience can we better open the way for the future."
【reunion dinner】
"Gathering together and having fun"
【Commendation Conference】
At the commendation conference, the company promulgated many kinds of awards to inspire everyone to work harder.
"In the past year, all our achievements are inseparable from everyone's joint efforts, along the way, thank all staff for their hard work, and we will have a brighter tomorrow. In 2020, we will continue to fight together! "
A number of interesting game interactions and program draws were interspersed. Showing everyone's vitality and passion, and brought laughter to the scene. Bringing everyone into a joyful atmosphere quickly, everyone's face was filled with joyful smiles.
In 2019,
We use sweat to water the harvest
Going forward with hard work
In 2020,
Let us fight for the night and the day
Brand new year
We move forward and build a dream voyage
Do not forget the original intention, unremitting pursuit
Sailing sails to create greater glories